With the hush of deep winter guiding our journeys, many of us feel drawn to embrace these coldest of days. For some, it’s an annual pilgrimage in search of piste, crackling open fires and the cleanest lines. For others, the swell and sub zero wilderness outside our window calls most.

Why do we travel to cold places? Amongst the biting wind there is a quiet to be found, in the coldest waters a warmth, and atop the furthest peaks we are more connected. It’s eerie, but tranquil. A time for your thoughts, solitude and self reflection.

Roaming in low temperatures takes passion and a drive for adventure. The essentials we carry with us on these journeys are more important than ever, no imitators allowed. A battered flask for a welcome steaming brew or two, reaching for that trusty beanie or layering up with some welcome insulation.

But, escapism in these winter months bares many rewards. The deafening silence of a snow covered horizon made pink by the long glow of a low winter sun. These are scenes that stay with us, and we wouldn’t have it any other way.